

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

This year, I am in the fortunate position of being President of my national orthopaedic society, the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology (HAOST), as it celebrates its 80th Congress, while at the same time being President of the European Hip Society (EHS) and the EHS-organised Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery Thessaloniki (MAST).

Therefore, I am delighted to take advantage of an auspicious opportunity to present two orthopaedic events together: HAOST & MAST. In combining the dates of these two congresses, I not only have the great personal privilege of bringing HAOST to my hometown, but also believe the potential attendance of our fellow surgeons is optimised.

Therefore, it is my honour to invite you all to my hometown of Thessaloniki for an early MAST Course this year, 18-19th October 2024, within the national HAOST Congress 17-19th October 2024.

The MAST Course will follow the much-admired TEDx hybrid format of the past few years and will include, as always, the very top names from the orthopaedic world, personally invited in order to push the quality of our annual arthroplasty masterclass to even new heights.

With their very latest research data and video surgery presentations, we will hear from the experts of today from Europe, USA, Japan, India, Australasia, South America, Hong Kong and more. Topics will include but not be limited to:

1. Personalised arthroplasty
2. Robotics / Navigation / New technologies
3. Complexities for primary & revision arthroplasty
4. Complications including infection & periprosthetic fractures
5. New implant designs: 3D & customised
6. Νational & local registry data
7. New PROMS & outcome measures

Meanwhile, the HAOST congress will feature more English-language symposia than ever before with an enrichened international faculty joining our distinguished Hellenic experts, plus a wonderful and memorable 80th Gala Dinner with outstanding key note speakers already confirmed.

I will be delighted to welcome you all to Thessaloniki in October, and of course the weather will be ideal for staying a few days and exploring the myriad cultural attractions including UNESCO sites in this beautiful ancient city and surrounding area.

Best Regards

Eleftherios Tsiridis
MAST President
EHS President
President Hellenic Association of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery